2020's Life-changing Events

 Impact of 2020

        The year 2020 has been hard for many, some saying their last goodbyes to their loved ones and others who are unaware about having their last hangouts with people they won't see in months. It was also the year that many celebrities passed away, such people including Los Angeles Lakers player Kobe Bryant. With COVID-19, life hasn't been the same in how people interact with others. Social distancing and wearing a mask have played important roles in how people go outside to run errands or see others. Politics have also played a huge role as they have caused a big division between people that believe differently. Some support Donald Trump and others support Joe Biden. Supporters for each presidential candidate point out the flaws in the other candidate and stereotype the other supporters as if they are delusional and supporting the wrong person. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and they shouldn't be shamed for that. Unfortunately, some people resort to cancel culture and ruin the lives of those they don't agree with. America is supposed to be a united country, but it seems as if the country is only tearing people apart. Some organizations such as Black Lives Matter have caused mass havoc to get their point across, and the people who don't support the organization are being labeled as racist. The phrase "agree to disagree" has gone out the window as those who get into arguments try to point out how the other person is incorrect, similar to the saying of "I'm right, you're wrong." With 2021, hopes of a better year couldn't have come at a better time. It's time for people to start uniting and stop dividing, even if that means taking baby steps to ensure people get along.            

5 Principles for Getting Along with Others — Greg Bell


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