Importance of Birth Control

Latino USA Perspective Birth Control Options for Women (Injection, Pill, etc.) Birth control is important for many women who do not want to have too many children. Nowadays, opportunities are limited to receive birth control products in the United States, especially for lower-class women. Latino USA is a media website that covers important topics through podcasts and articles, which their coverage revolves around the Latino community. The host of the program titled Birth Control In Times Of Crisis is Maria Hinojosa, which the role of the host is then passed to Marta Martinez. Marta is experiencing what life is like for Ecsibel Henriquez, a woman that is pregnant with her second unplanned child. The date of the podcast is April 9, 2021, and was listened to on April 15, 2021. I learned that birth control services have had many limitations and are impacting many women such as Ecsibel. I like ho...