Valuable Stories of the Maya

The Popol Vuh , which was interpreted by Allen J. Christenson, goes into detail about significant events that shaped the Maya. It is an important recollection of Maya events, which has a variety of interpretations. Some of the key characters include Hunahpu and Xbalanque. A notable passage titled "The Miraculous Maize of Hunahpu and Xbalanque" explains what happened after the Hero Twins dethroned the Xibalba. In the passage, the Hero Twins say, "'...We are they whose names are Hunahpu and Xbalanque. Our fathers are they who you killed, One Hunahpu and Seven Hunahpu by name. We are the avengers of the misfortune and affliction of our fathers....'...Now at the same time, the Grandmother was weeping, crying out before the ears of unripe maize that had been left planted. They had sprouted, but then they dried up when they were burned in the pit oven. Then the ears of maize had sprouted once again, and the Grandmother had burned copal incense before them as a memo...